Friday, December 3, 2010

Amazing Story! The Real Steven Tyler of Aerosmith called Menorah Park Campus resident today!

Dear Readers:

I'm sharing this email I got yesterday from Sherry Gavanditty in Public Relations. This really is an AMAZING story. I'm just reprinting Sherry's email here word for word.

You can also check out this article from the Cleveland Jewish News from a couple of weeks ago.

Amazing Story! The Real Steven Tyler of Aerosmith called Menorah Park Campus resident today!
SERIOUSLY! REALLY! And it was “Amazing!” Steven Tyler of Aerosmith called my
office phone today to talk to a Menorah Park Campus resident! By now, most of you have heard the story of Susan Marshall, a former model from New York who now has Lou Gehrig’s disease. At 72 pounds, she can’t use her arms or legs, or even talk, but she can communicate through a computer monitor and a metal dot pasted to her forehead, which she directs letter by letter until sentences are formed. Susan recently began working with Rabbi Ephraim Karp because it was her dream to become a Bat Mitzvah. After much hard work and tenacity, Susan’s dream of a Bat Mitzvah is coming true this Sunday. It’s miraculous that technology can help her speak the thoughts and words that cannot escape her lips. During her rehearsals, a short while back, she confided in us that it was also her dream to have Steven Tyler attend her Bat Mitzvah. (Her parents and his parents knew each other in New York many years ago, and his parents even attended her wedding!) And now, part two of Susan’s dream: Today, Steven called her! He was sad that he couldn’t make the ceremony,
because he’ll be playing for Oprah Winfrey in Washington D.C. that day, but he talked directly to her through a speakerphone for about 20 minutes, as Susan listened with a huge smile on her face and a pool of emotions running through her. Those of us in the room were wide-eyed with astonishment and happiness for Susan. It was truly heartwarming to see that in the busy world of a Rock Star as huge as Steven Tyler, he made time to let Susan know he loved her and wished her a happy holiday season. He even spoke a bit of Hebrew to her! Wow! What a true miracle we’ve experienced for Susan on this first day of Chanukah! Menorah Park is all about making our residents happy, and about helping them to know how much they are loved -- and appreciated; and that their dreams matter to us. On this Campus, we see miracles, large and small, happening all around us, everyday! Today was no exception, just ask Susan!

Happy Holidays everyone!


Sherry Gavanditti

Public Relations & Media Specialist

Menorah Park Campus

27100 Cedar Road

Beachwood, Ohio 44122

Phone: 216-839-6687

Email: SGavanditti@MenorahPark.Org
