Monday, December 20, 2010

First Video Blog

So, I got the Flip camera. Recording on it easy. Posting to this blog proved to be a bit harder. However, I was able to upload the video to YouTube and then post the YouTube video on this blog. It's below.

I realize that not everyone who subscribes can see the video in their email. So, here are two possible solutions:

1) Go to the blog site and view the post there:

2) Here's the youTube link:

Before you watch the video, here are a few pieces of information and disclaimers:

1) This was my first time using the Flip camera.

2) The video is 4 mins. and 24 seconds long. You are not obligated to watch the entire thing.

3) I will learn how to edit soon.

4) I will learn how to aim the camera at myself so you are not looking up my nose.

5) If there were anything unsightly about the inside of my nose, I would not have posted the video. Don't worry.

6) Now that I told you that, you will probably only be looking at the inside of my nose.

7) There is probably a way to post the videos directly to this blog without going through YouTube. I am working on that.

8) Please feel free to email me at with tips about shooting and posting with the Flip camera.

OK. Enjoy the video.