Thursday, July 11, 2013

Buy Me Some Peanuts and Crackerjacks...and a Big Purple Mascot

Today was our all-campus outing to the Indians game with Menorah Park board members.

Here we are getting ready to go into the stadium.

Here we are in the stadium.

And this was our view of the game.

My friend Slider came to visit us. Slider is the Indians mascot and I do know the person inside of the costume. The person's identity is never divulged, but I don't think it's too much to say tat there is a person inside of the costume, right?

And here is my favorite picture of the afternoon. I think it may need a caption.

After the game, as we were getting on the bus, I met John Adams. If you are a true Cleveland Indians fan, you'll know who John Adams is.
By the way, the Indians won 4-2.

Oh, and this is a shot of my cell phone contact list, the S section. I actually do know slider. I call him every time we go to a game and he comes over and plays for a while. Slider is a good guy...or...whatever it is.