Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh Dear, Oh Deer

We had our first Campfire of the season on Wednesday night. I preserved my unbroken sting of one-match-fires and, as usual, we sang songs, told stories and roasted marshmallows.

At the end of the program, when almost everyone had gone in and I was about to put out the fire, I looked up and saw a deer and her fawn. I grabbed The Flip Camera and shot. I tried to get close, but mom went into protective mode and looked like she might charge. Then, someone came walking down the road and spooked her. She jumped the fence leaving her fawn behind! I watched for a while, but didn't see when (or if) they reunited. My wife has already rescued and brought home a baby goose this summer (we took it to a sanctuary), but I wasn't going to try to corral the dear into my Toyota Camry. Here's the video: