Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Day the Cow Ate My Shirt

This wasn't the cow that ate my shirt. That picture comes later. But this is one of the cows at Lake Farmpark. We went there last Wednesday on our weekly outing.

First we took a tractor ride up to the Well Bred Shed.

These piglets were only 10 days old. They were born on 10/10/10.

Here's a turkey. And he's looking at a big bird of some kind.


These baby goats were 3 weeks old.

They were making us feel welcome by reenacting a Stone Gardens staff meeting. (Just KIDding).

Here's a one month old calf named Ulysses.

And Here's Ulysses eating my shirt. (Worth the wait, wasn't it?)

"MacDonald's Revenge"

And finally, we got to milk one of the cows.