Monday, September 27, 2010

You Say Succos, I Say Sukkot

Sukkot is here and we are celebrating!

Menorah Park sponsored a "contest" in which all of the buildings and units submitted a model sukkah. They're all on display at Menorah park in the "Fish Tank" lobby. Guess which one is ours.

This is Ellen Themes (on the right) our Art Therapist, and M. E. Kuzma, an Art Therapist intern from Ursuline, with one of our residents who worked on the sukkah. The "awards ceremony" is tomorrow (Tuesday). I'll let you know what happens.

Here's one of our residents decorating our real sukkah. The weather was great (even a little hot as it got near 90!) for eating in it the first two days, but Saturday it dipped down into the 60's. We do have a heater in there, so it's doable for the brave hearted.