Wednesday, August 6, 2014

4th Time's a Charm

We tried three times to have an outdoor campfire in July, but as everyone knows, July gets very cold and rainy around here. Wait, I might be thinking of October. But, parts of this July were a little like October. So, we had three indoor campfires, minus the fire.
Finally, on our 4th try, we got a perfect night. Below, you can see the makings of my one-match-fire - tinder, kindling, and fuel all organized, lined up and ready to go. Now, if only I could organize my desk like that.

(No Activities Directors were harmed in the making of this burning shirt special effect)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Goodtimes Keep on Rolling

Last month we took our annual Goodtime III cruise up and down the mighty Cuyahoga River and into Lake Erie. The weather was a little rough, but not too bad. I was the only one who went up to the second deck and it was windy and chilly. But all had a  - it has to be said - good time.

This trip was so popular that we're offering it again this month for people who did not get to go the first time.