Our 10th annual Rock For All Ages Chanukah Concert took place on December 2nd. It's my favorite night of my Stone Gardens year. It's where my two lives come crashing together. I get to play music with my band at the place where I spend many of my waking hours. It's like "Bring Your Band to Work Day."
So, Noah Budin and the Promised Band ripped through an hour's worth of contemporary and traditional Chanukah songs and some Noah Budin originals. The band was great. I make it a point to surround myself with musicians much more talented than myself - it makes me sound good.
One of the songs we did was a new take on the Dreidle Song. This one was written by Singer/Songwriter/Recording Artist Julie Silver. (I met Julie many years ago when she only had a couple of CDs out and I didn't have any. She made an appearance on mt first CD and we've become friends.) I had Sarah video the song with our FlipShare camera and later that night I uploaded it to YouTube and sent the link to Julie. I wasn't going to share it unless she gave me permission. Well, she didn't exactly give me permission. She shared it first. Here is what she posted on Facebook:
The Promised Band is, from Left to Right, Norman Tischler (sax), Bob Sandham (Electric Guitar), David Budin (Bass), Rob Ticherich (Percussion), and Jay Singer (Keyboard).
By the way, the "fantastic woman in gray" is Sarah's daughter Ahuvah. She's a fan of mine. It was her birthday that night and I called her up to sing my song Hallelujah Land with me and the band, as I have done before. I am a fan of Ahuvah.
You might be able to click on the link above to see and hear The Dreidle Song. If not, this one should work:
(Just keep in mind that they say the camera adds ten pounds.)
Chag Sameach!