Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Helen's Place Grand Opening!

On Wednesday, February 20th, we officially opened Helen's Place to the public. Residents will begin moving in later in March.
Helen's Place is a brand new, state-of-the-art Assisted Living facility for people with advanced dementia and memory related issues. It's a part of Stone Garden's and is located on our 3rd floor. We welcome anybody to come and look around or arrange a tour. Even if you are not in the market for assisted living facilities, we'd love for you to come and see our beautiful new space.
The Program Manager is Nellie Gertsberg and her Associate is Marina Sanchez. They can be reached at 216-360-8206.

Here are some photos from the Grand Opening.

Marina Sanchez

Nelly Gertsberg

Stone Gardens Administrator Ross Wilkoff with Barry Feldman & Richard Loeb.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

4 More Purim Photos

If you can stand it, here are 4 more photos from Purim that David Walker took. All in all, it was a great day!

Monday, February 25, 2013

More Purim!

In the week or two leading up to Purim, we were busy "behind the scenes."

What's Purim without Hamentashen? (Spell check really doesn't like that word. It offered "harassment" as an alternative. In a way, that would almost fit in that last sentence).
Anyway, Marla and some of the residents got busy and baked over 120 Harassments...uh, Hamentashen.

Marla also led residents in making decorations, while Sarah supervised the putting together of Shalach Manos packages. It is a Purim mitzvah to give gifts of food to others. All residents got a package and were encouraged to give it away.

And the...The party!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Purim Sameach!

Sunday was Purim, and we had a party!
Clown noses were provided and everyone had a good time.
Here, then, uninterrupted by text, are the photos. You might call it the Nose Parade.