Friday, June 22, 2012

Senior Prom

Thursday night was our annual Senior Prom.
Jerry Simmerer was our entertainer, and there was music, dancing, refreshments and fun.
And we crowned our Prom King and Queen.

Here are some photos from the event:

Waiting for the Prom to begin.

The dancing starts.

Here I am with one of our 100 year olds. She danced two dances with me and wore me out.

 Our King and Queen!

Jerry broke out the patriotic songs to end the evening.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Luck Be a Lady

 We took our first trip to Cleveland's new Horseshoe Casino.
It was a brand new experience for most of us because, well, they just don't make slots like they used to. We mostly played penny slots, although they no longer actually accept pennies. In fact, they don't take coins of any kind. You put your paper money in all at once, and then the machine keeps track of all your totals for you digitally in readouts on screens on the front of the machines. They still put arms on them, but, while functional, they are more decorative and rarely used. There are buttons on the front of the machine, and you can make all kinds of bets on your spin.

  Gone are the days of carrying buckets of coins around and silver money spilling out of the mouth of the machine into your lap, but they have programmed clinking sounds to go along with the video output. When you want to cash out, you push a button and get a paper voucher which you then take to another machine, or the cashier, to get your money. It took a while to get the hang of, and no one won big (and no one lost big either!) but we did have fun!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Jewel and Shells

Resident Jewel Koletsky donated exotic sea shells from around the world so we could make various kinds of jewelry with them. Jewel's "dream" is for us to sell many of the items we make and donate the money to Yachad, an organization offering Jewish activities to young adults with special needs.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Picnic and Flag Day

We had our annual Picnic at Edgewater Park and Driving Tour of Cleveland outing on Wednesday. The weather was really nice, if a little cool.

We took a walk to see the best view of the Cleveland skyline (such as it is).

We drove around looking at various sites in the city, including two stops to see some sculptures by Sidney Rackoff. This is significant because Sidney just happened to be on our bus with us. He and his wife live at Stone Gardens and Sidney has large metal sculptures all over Ohio.

This relatively small one stands at the entrance of Max S. Hayes Vocational High School on Detroit Ave. in Cleveland. It's made out of steel, and the plaque says "Welcome."

Here we are at 40th and Chester Ave. in Cleveland. There are four sculptures there.
This is Sid and our diver Will standing next to Sid's sculpture of a coal miner. Sid explained that this one is dedicated to a man he fought next to in WWII. He had been a coal miner before the war. He took a bullet to the head right next to Sidney.

Here's a link to a blog with a lot more info about Sid and his work:


Thursday, June 14 was Flag Day.
We asked for our veterans to form the Honor Guard and present the flag.

Two of our staff members, John Kwasney and Jonathan Ford are veterans and had the honor of raising the flag.

We sang the National Anthem and said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sarah read the poem "I Am the Flag of the United States of America" by Howard Schnauber, then we sang patriotic songs.

It is always an honor to be a part of this event. Stone Gardens says "Thank You" to all of the men and women who serve and served our country.