This past Wednesday we had our second Yachad program of the season. Yachad is a group of special needs young adults and high school volunteers who meet every Wednesday night during the school year. Sara Taub has been this region's coordinator for over 20 years. (She recently received a prestigious Professional Service award from the national organization in NYC.) On the last Wednesday of every month, Yachad comes to stone gardens for a very special intergenerational program. Each year we have a theme. this year's theme is "Food for Thought."
We discuss the Torah portion for the upcoming month - in November we discussed the portion for December 28th - and then we talk about foods that may symbolically represent some idea in that portion. Last month, we discussed this weeks story of Jacob going on a long journey (mainly to get away from his brother), and we talked about foods that might sustain you on a long journey. The list included, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate chips and honey, so we came up with "Yakov's Holy Whole Wheat Energy Bars." I gave the list of ingredients to our chefs, and they created what you see above. Well, that's what was left after the program. I forgot to take a picture of the beautiful untouched tray before the program.
The picture below has to do with the story of Joseph for next month. Those are the inspirations and ingredients I'm going to work with to come up with "Joseph's Many Colored Sushi Cake."
Yeah. I know. Don't ask.
These are two of our residents at the Yachad program with Breezy the therapy dog. Breezy belongs to one of the Yachad parents, and comes almost every month.
Switching gears...this is Jocelyn. She's 12 years old and the great granddaughter of one of our residents and she's volunteering every Thursday night for Bingo. She started out as a card checker, but quickly graduated to caller. She's Terrific!
We've had our first snowfall here. It hasn't really stuck, but look out...winter's on the way! In the meantime, we can enjoy this idyllic photo of our pond at our side entrance.
(I didn't take this photo, but I don't remember who did. Sandy, was it you?)