Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Day the Cow Ate My Shirt

This wasn't the cow that ate my shirt. That picture comes later. But this is one of the cows at Lake Farmpark. We went there last Wednesday on our weekly outing.

First we took a tractor ride up to the Well Bred Shed.

These piglets were only 10 days old. They were born on 10/10/10.

Here's a turkey. And he's looking at a big bird of some kind.


These baby goats were 3 weeks old.

They were making us feel welcome by reenacting a Stone Gardens staff meeting. (Just KIDding).

Here's a one month old calf named Ulysses.

And Here's Ulysses eating my shirt. (Worth the wait, wasn't it?)

"MacDonald's Revenge"

And finally, we got to milk one of the cows.

Dancing Wheels

We had a visit from our Scholars on Campus this week - Dancing Wheels.

The Dancing Wheels Company is proud to be recognized worldwide as America’s first and foremost physically integrated dance company. In 1980, Founding Artistic Director Mary Verdi-Fletcher revolutionized the concept of physically integrated dance, opening the doors for thousands of artists with and without disabilities to perform together on an equal basis. For more than a quarter of a century, The Dancing Wheels Company has reached audiences of over 3.5 million people with school assembly programs, workshops, residencies, story ballets and main stage concert performances worldwide.

Click here to see an excellent 2 and a half minute video about Dancing Wheels.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Visit From The Lt. Governor

Lee Fisher, the Lt. Governor of Ohio and candidate for the U. S. Senate made a campaign stop at Stone Gardens today. He came during lunch and went from table to table.

Mr. Fisher was already on the bus to go to his next stop when we told him that this resident (below) wanted to see him. He jumped right off the bus when he heard her name, came back in and gave her a hug. Apparently, she was good friends with the Fisher family and she known him "since kindergarten."

(We do not endorse any candidate. All candidates are welcome to come to Stone Gardens (and the Menorah Park campus). When a candidate requests it, we make room on our schedule and let the other candidates know that they are welcome, too.)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Where in the World Are You?

I recently stumbled upon some statistics about our little blog. I can't vouch for the accuracy of them because I'm not really sure what I'm looking at - and that's pretty much par for the course. But, it seems that this blog has been viewed in several countries besides the United States.

I wasn't surprised by the hits we've gotten in Israel; we have several family members there, and I know they're avid readers of this blog. Here's a big shout out to my Yerushalayim Chaverim! Yo! (Which is really just "Oy" backwards.)

I wasn't even surprised by the hits in Sweden. The Budin family here in America has made (virtual) friends with a Budin family in Sweden via Facebook. In fact, there's another Noah Budin in the world. He happens to be a blond, 10 year old, non-Jewish Noah Budin in Sweden. The Swedish Budins seem to follow the American Budins' lives here in America with keen interest, at least as much as Facebook will allow.

This is Swedish Noah Budin holding one of my CDs.

The resemblance is uncanny, isn't it?

However, I was surprised by much of the rest of the list. Here are the other countries where our blog has been viewed:


If you are in any of those countries, or anywhere else in the world, and you are reading this blog, we'd love to hear from you! Drop me a quick note at and let me know where you are and why you happened to log on to our little slice of the blogosphere.

Also, feel free to "Friend" me on Facebook. But, when you search for Noah Budin and all of the profile pics come up, I'm not the blond one.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tales From the Sukkah

We had a busy - and joyous! - Sukkah holiday. Below are 15 photos from various Sukkah events.

The first 11 or so are from our Sukkah Hop outing where, every year, we are welcomed by Rabbi and Mrs. Rennert to their Sukkah for a meal, learning, shmoozing, singing and delighting in all of the children.

Here's a picture of our volunteer (Volunteer of the Year!) Arlyne and the Rabbi learning how to shake the Lulav. Arlyne was learning. The Rabbi already knows how.

The Rabbi is the one with the beard.

They sang to us on the bus as we were leaving.

Friday, October 1, 2010